Write Out 2020 has ended but we continue to celebrate all that was created and shared. Here are the resources we gathered to support storytelling and sharing around the real and virtual campfires; feel free to use and remix these as needed. We will keep an eye out for you at #writeout.

Daily Sparks: Writing Prompts with Rangers
National Park Service Rangers made some fun daily writing prompt videos to inspire writing. Participants were invited to respond to the prompts online via #writeout or send a postcard back to the Rangers.

Gather Around: Stories to Share and Make
Writing Project colleagues and friends put together storytelling/storymaking resources for use by students or national park visitors.

Beacons: Write Out Writing Marathons
To celebrate National Day on Writing, many Writing Project sites, National Parks, and others held writing marathons—face-to-face or online!

Build Safe Campfires
Build a safe campfire with the team at Niobrara National Scenic River.

Check out the books that inspired writers and makers during the 2020 Write Out.